Posts Tagged ‘conflict resolution’

On Location: Flip For It

April 15, 2010

A road trip with kids can mean only one thing: a backseat battle over games, toys or personal space is bound to erupt. Just to be on the safe side, you might want to look into the Pocket Referee, a low-tech but handy little item that could help quell an argument before it escalates into a “don’t make me pull this car over” kind of moment.

The Pocket Referee was designed by frustrated father George Vraney (now a retired physician) who was weary of the arguments between his two very competitive daughters. The resulting product is simple yet effective. One side says, “Get the Choice; Pass the Coin” and the other reads, “Pass the Choice; Keep the Coin.”

The coins come in antique brass ($12.95) and a special edition gold tone (15.95) and are available at select retailers and at